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Health Insurance – There is another way.

We are in changing times currently and although I bring this information from a physiotherapy perspective I equally find it impossible not to think that ...

Let’s Get Moving

We treat people with many different injuries and ailments, and so hear many different stories of how people have sustained their injuries. The unusual always ...

Let’s Get Moving

We treat people with many different injuries and ailments, and so hear many different stories of how people have sustained their injuries. The unusual always ...

Train Wisely To Avoid Muscle Tightness

Why do I always feel tight in my muscles? This is a question I often get asked in the clinic. The simple answer, to this ...

The Performance Matrix – How is your body coping?

The Performance Matrix takes an individuals movement & function of their body’s muscle and joint control to a new level allowing a tailored programme to ...

Is your deadlifting affecting your hip health?

The world is abuzz with hip hinging. It is everywhere and everyone must do it. Essentially this movement pattern to help build strong gluts to ...