Coronavirus Update – We Are Open for Business

Staying in Contact

Good Afternoon Everyone,

We are in truly unprecedented times right now so we are keen to keep our messages clear for all our customers. Everyone is fully aware of the current government advice, with bullet points below as a reminder.

Priority 1 – Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds & we are asking all clients to wash their hands on arrival and before they leave the business. Along with this all staff are wiping down equipment between each client. At present we have had no staff or clients report to us that they have had the infection and our Front House team are regularly wiping down common contact points within the business.

Priority 2 – If you have a cough, difficulty breathing or temperature please call the clinic to cancel your appointment. You will not be charged, it is more important that we keep working hard to protect those more vulnerable than ourselves.

Priority 3 – There is a good supply of tissues and hand gel around the business so if you need to cough or sneeze please ensure you use your elbow or a tissue to prevent problems and most importantly try to not touch your mouth or nose with your hands.

If we all work together we can get through this effectively.

Dealing with Your Injury

Telephone or Skype Option – During this period when some of you may not be able to come into the clinic we are going to offer a telephone or Skype option to help you address any specific pain issues. Being ill is bad enough and if there is anything we can do to help you with your musculoskeletal injury then we will – discussing your injury, managing your exercises and help to get you moving well again – all helps your health & well being.

Are You Working from Home?

If you are working from home due to company policy or requirements it is important that you continue to look after yourself both mentally and physically, check out these top tips to help keep you feeling fresh.

1. Walking – the weather has finally turned and a good brisk walk each day will do you no end of good. It helps keep muscles and tendons loaded, builds bone strength and will lift your spirits while keeping your cardiovascular system energised. Just remember to wash your hands before you leave and on your return.

2. Home Exercise Programme – If you have a current injury use the time at home to complete your exercises effectively, settling down your pain will help lift your mood and improve your recovery. All the team will go on about the importance of your exercises and now might be the time to make a big difference to your progress.

3. Avoid Snacking – It is amazing how when your at home the temptation to snack can increase. An easy solution can be to brush your teeth after each meal to help prevent the urge to snack, while a good selection of cold fresh fruit can be a good option to avoid sweet or processed foods.

4. Call A Friend – Now can be a great time to call a friend to have a chat, keep your connections going to lift your mood and those around you, think about nay local neighbours too. It is great to talk so stay in touch.

Remember we are here to support you and will remain open to serve the local community as required.

Stay Safe

From All the Body Logic Health Team