From Pedals to Punchlines: How Paul Boross Overcame Injury with Body Logic Health

Finding Joy and Movement Again

Paul Boross MBE has had the most amazing portfolio career. He is a top-rated business psychologist and humourologist with extensive experience in media, including stand-up comedy, music and TV. With a background performing at the legendary Comedy Store, he trains celebrities and executives in communication, hosts The Humourology Podcast, and is an in-demand international keynote speaker and trainer.

Last summer he took on a challenge of cycling from London to Paris. As he puts it, “I am reasonably fit but given the fact that I was working so hard, I didn’t really do enough training for four consecutive 8-hour days on a bike. I was fine most of the way but by the time I was riding the victory lap around the Champs Elysees I was aware that there was something major awry with my left leg. When I got back to the UK, I went straight to a specialist at Parkside hospital. He diagnosed the problem, and I asked if there was anyone he would recommend for rehab. He immediately said, ‘If they can fit you in I would recommend Paul Goss and Body Logic Health, as the quality of their work is second to none.’” 

Boross and Goss (Boy band?!) bonded immediately as they have a shared love of rugby. Boross spent nine years as the on-screen Team Psychologist on the Sky TV show School of Hard Knocks where he worked with England World Cup winner Will Greenwood and former Wales captain Scott Quinnell helping disadvantaged young people from areas of very high unemployment learn the skills needed to get a job through the values of rugby.

Boross has a very busy life speaking on stages and training C-suite leaders and teams all over the world on communication, pitching and presentation with humour at its core. As someone who places humour at the top of all his communication messages, Boross says, “It was vitally important that I was able to stand comfortably with a smile on my face, for hours at a time.” Unfortunately, at first, that was not possible. 

Boross also has a podcast called The Humourology Podcast and must sit and interview people for hours at a time. This was also proving to be a bit a problem. “If you are in the middle of interviewing Lord William Hague, Alastair Campbell, or Jo Brand it is pretty much impossible to say, can we stop for 10 minutes whilst I do some stretching! The great thing about Paul and all the Body Logic team is that they gave me support in the clinic before and after my speaking or hosting events and gave me exercises and ways to cope with the stressful situations that frequently occur in my line of work.”

In his spare time, Paul is a volunteer coach at Wimbledon Windmilers running club. As a motivational psychologist, he knows that people recover quicker when they have a vision of working towards a tangible goal. His goal is to get back to coaching the five and seven mile runs on a Sunday over Wimbledon common and around Richmond Park. Paul is hopeful that one day he will be able to do another long bike ride as well. As Paul says, “If you share you goals with your physios and Pilates teachers like Paul and Monique, it gives you a common vision that will speed your success.”

With the help of Paul Goss and the team at Body Logic, Paul Boross is well on his way to performing the work of Humourology and leadership coaching, pain free.

You can check out Paul’s communication work here:

His award-winning podcast is called Humourology and available via here: