Understanding Shoulder Injuries: Why Retraining Strategies Matter

The shoulder joint is highly susceptible to injuries due to its complex movement patterns and large range of movement that it can obtain. Many injuries in the shoulder area are often caused by muscle stress and strains, the main one that we see in clinic for shoulder injuries is tendinopathies. Again due to the large range of movement in the shoulder the control and synergy (how muscles work together) is so important for good shoulder health.

Identifying the location of the shoulder pain and understanding the root cause is crucial in developing an effective treatment plan. Primarily we need to establish if the issue is the shoulder joint (ball and socket) or the shoulder blade, which controls so much of the dynamic of the shoulder region. For this you need a skilled movement specialist to assess and diagnose your shoulder problem. This will allow the best retraining strategies to be put in place as part of your shoulder treatment pathway, guiding you to success and back to the activities you enjoy.

However, it’s important to be cautious about the shoulder retraining strategies used, as they may not always be beneficial and could even hinder recovery. So often the favourite for recovery training is theraband work, which can be of huge benefit, however completing the wrong exercises at the wrong stage of your recovery can cause more sisues than it solves. Today we discuss more on the shoulder biomechnaics and how common shoulder rehab exercises can lead to slowing down your recovery.

It is all about knowing the individuals movement patterns, the correct specific muscle issues and working on a total rehabilitation strategy. Shoulder injuries and their rehabilitation is a complex area to correct so getting off to the best start is so important.

Building A Stronger Shoulder