What is holding back your Injury Recovery?

Your pain is settling. Your movement is better. But you are not back to your best yet.

Any injury, that affects the ability to complete the day to day activities you enjoy is a frustration. Your whole day is slowed down, pain interrupts your plans and so your motivation is low as a result of the injury you are suffering with. This is unfortunately how many of our clients present at the start of their injury management journey.

Our team of movement specialists then get to work to help diagnose, the key first step, helping our clients understand the problem and what needs to be done to get them out of pain. Generally there is a great sense of relief once clients understand what is causing their pain. The team will then get to work on settling the pain down and improving your day to day function.

At this point, especially as pain settles, we forget to ask the crucial question. Why did the pain really appear in the first place? Our day to day postures, our movement patterns developed over years of how we sit, stand, the sports we play and hobbies we have affect our soft tissues and very subtly our bodies develop around these pressures. Many of the soft tissues will adapt to help us move, some joints will allow more movement for areas that are stiff, and obviously as we get older our soft tissues naturally tighten anyway. All these factors cna influence our injury recovery phase. The next step is about addressing these issues and helping your body recover to a higher level of healthy movement.

To make sure we can really identify these areas effectively for our clients Body Logic Health have great options to help you understand how your body is currently moving. From our world class TPM Movement Screen, Pilates screening, Foundation and Rehabilitation screens and of course our Running Evolution video analysis for the runners amongst you. The idea of these sessions is to help identify your specific movement faults and discuss how these have had an impact on your current injury. Our team of movement specialists can then put a plan together to help you improve these movement faults. Remember what the pain was like? No one wants to go back to that if it is avoidable.

The key to this is that we all think we run like Mo Farah or Usain Bolt. The reality is we don’t! Understanding how you move and having a trained expert identify and then work with you to improve your movement patterns we can move you closer to the best movement health for you. It is tough to train alone however it is even tougher to correct your movement patterns to help avoid injury and allow your body to get back to the best it can be without an expert there to guide you.

So if you are looking to get back to your best, or in fact are keen to really build your foundation of movement health then ask about the rehabilitation options to help you achieve your goals.