POWER TO RUN: A different avenue of training for runners across the board

What Pilates can offer to a runner?
Something important for all runners, from recreational runners to athletes, is control. Good efficient movement requires good control. Good control of the trunk, of the hips, good control of movement through the shoulders. The runner has an opportunity to control their movement better. And with good control and good movement, you can have an efficient running time.

For who is this class designed? For which kind of runner?
Power To Run is designed to every type of runner. Everybody can benefit from improving their movement patterns, their movement efficiency and the control through their core and when I say core I mean through the neck, shoulders, trunk, hips, it goes all the way through the body. And having better control of that will allow for better movement patterns, you can put the energy where you want it to be. Power to Run is a different avenue, a different way to train in a good environment. Really beneficial to runners across the board.

What inspired you to create Power To Run?
We have a strong and well-developed background in running: worked with running athletes of all types, from quick marathon to top Ironman to Age Group athletes. And we felt that there was something else we could offer. It was a good opportunity to offer something new that allows runners develop the strength specifically for running but without going into another dynamically loading exercise for the tissues and joints.