How to Correctly Position your Hands:
Many people naturally let their hands hang with palms facing backward and thumbs pointing inward toward their thighs. Spending long hours sitting, especially at desks, often causes the upper back and shoulders to round forward. This aids the incorrect hand position and can result in neck and shoulder tension. Instead, the ideal hand position is to have your thumbs pointing forward and your palms resting comfortably against the sides of your legs.
Achieving this posture isn’t just about rotating your shoulders. A better approach is to gently lift your sternum, which naturally encourages your shoulders to settle into the correct position. This also activates the muscles between your shoulder blades without forcing or bracing them.
Adopting this simple adjustment can help alleviate neck tension, ease shoulder strain, and improve your posture in daily life.
Watch this video for more information on how to correctly position your hands.